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Old 11-09-2010, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Looking good Mike.
Will you be able to situate the new skimmer over the sump somehow to prevent a leak or flood? Have you decided yet how you're going to finish the stand and tower.
Yes Lance the stand will be skinned with maple plywood. and then stained to match a type of doors that i will buy at Home depot. all the doors will be on magnets so no hinges.

Now the canopy will have either light rack that will go up i think. or have the doors that will fold up and then fold again Haven't figured that one out. I leave for ST Jean QUE for a course for 3 weeks so I can think on what i will do.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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