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Old 11-09-2010, 01:08 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Default The worst phone call in the world...

Tenent below me: "Kevin, I got home about an hour and a half ago and there is water puoring through the ceiling."

Me: "Oh, f***!"

Ran home as fast as I could from work (15 minute bus ride) with all of the worst case scenarios running through my head. Forget who and how much would be dead, what about the damage to the house? I'd be totally boned!

I could barely run up the stairs when I got home and was just getting ready for the s***storm that was likely to ensue. Got up the stairs and...

There's water in the tank! THANK F***ING GOD!!!!!!

The culprit? A HOB got partially plugged at the outlet by my carbon bag and started dumping water on the floor. Only lost about 7 liters of water but it was enough to make a mess.

Dodged another bullet.... whew.....
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