I think my Osaka Is the next size up. Im going to have mine drilled. We drilled the back of my 72 gallon bowfront to accomidate a herbby overflow and the two holes we did went smoothly. I had ordered the Diamon Coated Hole saw bits off ebay and got 3 for under $10 and the one we used took about 10-15 min per hole. Im thinking of taking the shelf out of the stand and part of the middle wall, and reinforcing it somehow to allow for my sump to slide in. Then im thinking of getting a piece of tinted glass and make a swinging door or magnetic one to cover the middle of the stand thats open below the drawer. I have a new vortex in100 that Iv had sitting since last year new and i just assembled it and theirs enough height to get the cup off once its sitting in the sump. My husband was worried about me gutting the inside of the stand, but i figure once were done reinforcing it it will probably be stonger and more stable then if we hadnt and ill have more play room. So thats how im leaning but i love hearing how others are doing it.