well that's nice but if you really don't want to dig holes in your aquarium, there is not much other solution.
How about putting a float switch on the tank to avoir "disaster"?
that should be easy enough to implement and if the pump fail, or if the overflow get clogged, then the float switch would cut off the power to the pump. how about that?
There must be something safe enough.
Originally Posted by reefwars
i think its sad that people still use hang on back overflow boxes like cpr , ive had one for years and ill never go back ...sure they can be made to be " failsafe " but they never are really.they need constant tuning to equal out the returen pump from your syphon...the littlest bit of algae and it gets clogged. usually theres is only one drain which is a huge no no and you need to keep the box really clean so as not to clog the drain filter
your tank can be drilled easily enough and rock can be stored in a bin like whatcaneyedo said.if you do go the hob overflow box route i can guarantee that you will want to take it out later at some time.most people who push hob overflow boxes are speaking from pride because they were lucky theres didnt mess up ,they have tons of room for error and is a disaster waiting to happen.again i ran one for years and i was fearful to leave town and i was fearfull to go to sleep. aqualifters break all the time and are slow to start a syphon again.if you use a syphin to bring water back to your sump your return pump has to match, a gate valve can be used easily enough but you will have to tweak it all the time.
pls do not do this if you ask around most saltwater hobbyst will tell you they are not worth the headache and money to buy, personally i wouldnt give a hob overflow box to someone...... i wouldnt sleep right 