+++1 on that. Don't get rid of that beautiful tank! I love my Osaka 260! It's totaly rimless with starfire glass.
Although I would find difficult and unsighty to put a sump beside the tank, one can be costum build to fit either one side or one sump on each side connected together could work. I am debating with mine to put 2 sumps connected together or to put just one.
BTW, I have many sps and other corals in my tank and have my Deltec 300 hanged on the side of the tank, and it,s doing a great job. I have some micro-algae and my nitrates are always undetectible.
Originally Posted by RIPTANK
You don't need to start over. The Osaka 260 is a beautiful tank and can be used for saltwater as many have done. You can put a sump beside your tank and purchase an eshopp overflow box (the PF-800 is the size you need). I would strongly recommend you also buy an aqualifter pump made by Tom (approx. $20) in case of a syphon break. The overflow boxes are very safe so long as you get an aqualifter pump and avoid buying snails. I personally wouldn't waste my money on a hang on skimmer because they just don't seem to skim anywhere near as good as a skimmer in a sump with an overflow. Let's face it... You're not gonna get jack sqaut for your Fluval Osaka 260 on the private market and will have to fork out a bundle more for a drilled tank and stand that won't even look anywhere near as nice as the Osaka. Put the money towards a good quality skimmer instead. If you need any pointers I'll be happy to help you out with some pics of a similar set up. Cheers!