Hey! I have that same tank
In deed the cabinet is way too small for a manufactured sump but I am planning to have something like 15 gallons build for me to fit in the left side, then I could put my skimmer in there.
If you can get one, buy a Deltec 300 as it is doing a nice job on my Osaka. there are some used available on regular basis on kijiji and in forums so keep an eye for that. I paid mine 100$ in excellent condition.
I find the Aqua C remora pro difficult to clean up and it does not work as well as the Deltec.
As for the sump, you could have one build for you in acrylic with the precise mesurement so it would fit in your cabinet. I am lucky that someone I knwo will buid it for me for the cost of the material only, and that should be around 75$ I was told.
Just curious, but what lighting did you put on it? I went with a 250 watt mh and 2 actinic. Very nice tank but stupid furniture!
Originally Posted by tony_3a
Ok so i have a big problem. I kind of just jumped into saltwater and fish in general so needless to say i did not plan nearly enough if at all. I bought the fluval osaka 260(was going to do fresh but at last minute wanted to do salt) So i went back to the lfs(pet lovers abbotsford) and for my 70 gallon tank he was nice enough to sell me the seaclone 150. So that thing is completely useless.
So here i get to the problem. I am not able to put a sump into this tank, it seems nearly impossible. So i am going to need a lot better hang on skimmer for this tank, ive done a fair bit of reading and it seems that one of the best skimmers for the cost is the Aqua c Remora Pro. I think this thursday im going to drive into jl and buy it. If anyone knows anywhere better please let me know. Also i have a couple fish in the tank and i cannot get the stupid seaclone to do anything at all.
Or if u have any ideas on what i can do it would be greatly appreciated because i really screwed up and went way to quick with such little planning.
I would also be interested in buying a good used hang on skimmer if any of you have one.
Ps im stuck with the tank as well, inless anyone would wanna buy it off me for fresh water!(500).