Originally Posted by Myka
Is that rock dry or live? You got some sweeeeeeet pieces!
Is it too late to take the divider out and just have one big tank? That's what I would do! Either that or move the divider so that it is half and half. I think it would look funny the way it is...? Got a pic? I'm assuming the two-tanks-in-one will share a sump? Might not be a good idea to have a predator share water with your reef. Predators tend to have big turds.
its all live rock a friend of mine has a overload of it i went through about 200lbs to pick out this stuff i was looking for specific pieces , hes got a load more for sale but no ads made just selling to friends etc.
here is a pic of the tank it is divided in half so from the front view you would see half and half and the tank is a full walk around tank with all 4side viewable. they will share the same sump and im literally still in the air about what to do with my two halfs see i have a snowflake eel hes still a juvie now but he will get bigger and then bigger again lol and soon he will start seeing food where he didnt see them before so he needs his own area .....so i think anyways.....that he will go in the 75g part pretty much to himself with a load of zoas .i will do a full on reef in the 130 lps/softie with the rock in the picture for one side and a mix of that rock and tongabranch on the adjacent side with some hardier sps and maybe some nems. im excited to own shrimp again lol my eel really likes them and after my last eel ate 5 cleaner shrimp in one night i wasnt taking any chances with this guy lol
the pic is a crappy pic but the left side of the pic will be the front so you will see a bit of both and then the 130 will wrap around the 75 in a " L " shape