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Old 11-07-2010, 03:45 PM
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Hmm, very unfortunate to lose an original critter like that, too bad, especially to carpet surfing. I have a Maroon female that's one of two fish I first added to my tank. The other original was a Blue Devil Damsel which I lost to some cancerous growth on its tail. Believe it or not, I was sorry to see him gone. Something about the first fish or two you add to a system, you get quite attached. My Maroon is now regularly producing clutches of eggs with her little mate and I can't imagine my tank without them. Not that I don't care about any of the other finned friends, but mama Maroon will always be a little special.

Only fish I've lost to carpet surfing was a lawnmower Blenny and I have a feeling it's because Maroon would take a little run at him from time to time. She may have surprised him enough to make him jump I figure. A lone clown leaping out of a tank is unusual. I imagine you'll be looking for another?
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