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Old 11-07-2010, 03:14 AM
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I don't know, maybe it was poor water condition from where he comes from. I am not going to buy any more fish from that LFS because they always have something. I have a blue tang in quarantine in the other tank in hyposalinity because he had ich, and it was exchanged as the first one also had ich and refused to eat. So it's the third fish I buy from that place and all of them had something wrong.

I am not sure it's going to resolve because he seemed to have something a bit whitish and reflective inside the eye before he started the pop eye, but we'll see with time. I will keep feeding him twice a day with bloodworms soaked in kanamycin and epsom salt is in the tank.

Originally Posted by Lance View Post
If it's a scratched eye it should heal pretty quickly; it did for me. 2 to 3 days. If it was caused by poor water conditions at the time of purchase it may take a little longer. Just guessing here though.
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