my clowns love my purple LT
I've had mine for about 8 months and it likes to move around in it's corner of the tank every couple of months and then ends up back in the same spot. It also is a dark purple when it's small, and when it's big it's about the size of a sandwich plate and goes to a lite purple/tan color. I have three clowns hosting it. 
180g custom tank (2 external overflows) w/ 3 - 500gph returns, and 1 - 500gph inside tank, 80g sump, Vertex skimmer, 72" Coralife (3 x 250 MH, 4 compact florecents, 8 moonlights). 1 purple LT anenome, 2 green bubbletip anenome (had 3 and it split the first night in the tank), 3 Ocellaris clowns (breeding pair), 2 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 Purple tang, 1 coral beauty angel, 1 leopard wrasses, 3 sandsifting starfish.