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Old 11-06-2010, 01:34 AM
jzz30tt jzz30tt is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 42
jzz30tt is on a distinguished road
Default So utterly choked... Really hope my bicolor will make it. Looking for any suggestions

Came home today to find the tank strangely sedate. Everyone was a little slow and not terribly interested in food.

For Background this is the stocking. Blue/Yellow damsel, Bangai Cardinal, False Perc, Bicolor angel, Peppermint shrimp, Green emerald crab and a hermit. Oh and one big snail i haven't ID'd yet.

A couple hours later i looked at the tank and my bicolor angel was laying on the sand and gasping. As soon as i got close he was up and moving around again but needless to say i'm very worried.

My wife mentioned that the powerhead had made some noise earlier so i check on it and sure enough it's not running. No idea how long it's been like that. The tank is sumpless so i'm worried about the amount of aeration the water has had. Took it out to clean it. After cleaning things out i submerged it in a bucket and held it while plugging it in. ZAP. I got a good one in the right hand. Round filed that lovely piece of junk.

I replaced it with a koralia to get the water surface moving again and have been watching it since. At first the Bangai was a little less than stellar looking not flaring his fins as much as normal. After a 20% water change and An hour of the koralia the Clown, Damsel and Banger are looking much better. Flaring fins and nice and active, no gasping but the angel is still taking turns swimming around then finding quiet places to lay down. Still gasping.

Not sure what to think right now but really really don't want to lose this guy. So hard to watch and not sure what else to do.
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