Thread: zoa issue
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Old 11-06-2010, 01:29 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
different zoas require different light/flow etc. Give them time though, like ScubaSteve said, it's not uncommon to have them stay closed for long periods of time, just so long as you don't notice them melting away. Growth rate varies as well, from what I've read anyways, and can be affected by various things such as species, feedings etc.

there are plenty of zoas that love direct light and plenty more who would rather ambient light.some do better with feeding some take their time. some grow really fast some never grow,some like it with flow some do not.its reasons like these that make zoas so popular but each species is different slightly and i think alot of it has to do with your tank so you need to find what works for them in your tank. i start all my zoas on the bottom where they get direct light from the farthest point from my bulb i watch them over the next few days if they stay open then i leave them for a longer period if they close up then i move them to a place where its not so direct.i find zoas grow better when placed in a crevice they can grow from and mat to easily.i also use a nano powerhead pointed in their direction from about half way up my tank to ensure they all get food when i feed them. cheers
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