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Old 11-04-2010, 09:27 AM
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Blue World Aquariums Blue World Aquariums is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 294
Blue World Aquariums is on a distinguished road

This is harsh. OC has been a pioneering force for aquaculture in Canada. This industry is highly competitive, and it would be foolish to dismiss them as anything less than competition. But I am torn between the loss of competition, and the loss of what is very likely the future of the industry (my industry). If these people are shut down because of their efforts to farm captive corals, it does not bode well for the hobby (and by the same hand...our industry). The future of the hobby and industry is aquaculture. End of story. The time will come when our imports are restricted. The reasons are debatable, but the time will come. It's quite sad that the most environmentally conscious are the first to suffer. It's not cheap to farm corals, breed fish, and support regulated collection. I have had respect for OC since we started because of their progressive attitude. It is truly sad to see the future of our hobby suffering so badly...

Last edited by Blue World Aquariums; 11-04-2010 at 10:40 AM.