DISCLAIMER: i am a short time reefer..cronic surfer and lurker.. new to the hobby. so basically what im about to say doesnt amount to any credibility just my thoughts on the matter.
i have read all the arguments and fights over this situation and the way i look at it is if there is a will there is a way. vendor or no vender.
i personally have not ordered from oceanic corals. i just have this huge crutch living in the crotch of canada. the shipping doesnt make it worth the while unless its a huge group order. and those can be a nightmare in itself. buti will say this for them any new product or new idea they where on top of it. sure they did a plethera of threads but that also backfires whenthey sho cost and everything thier competiors canmatch or beat if they wanted.. to me they stuck thier neckout more than onenwould think. and thats just gusty and i love it
not tomentionn through thier add threads i have researched andlearned ideas and theories for my tanks, and i thank you for that.
but paul even though you dont know me or havent talked to me or even know that this flatland reefer exists. i have followed your companies nano threads to your led ideas. i paid attention and dont really care how you aquire the shiny things that make us all drool just happy that you have and did ..making this reefer oooh and awee.
so please if your reading this reconcider as you can see from the support base you are well liked and respected as well as a needed voice inthe reefing community. besides if you get through this it will just make you a more respected, stronger company.
just my 2 cents ill shut u now and go back to my vodka dosing.