Thread: My New 26g
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Old 11-03-2010, 05:22 PM
legendboy legendboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: calgary
Posts: 40
legendboy is on a distinguished road

I thought about using window and door cedar shims. I have some in the garage.

However due to the design of this stand, I can't.

The bottom of the stand has a hidden compartment for wiring etc..

The only place to use the shims would be underneath each side (.75" plywood) and would be visible when looking at the front of the tank.

I am going to try the screw jacks and see how it works out. Its a cheap and easy fix. Will post some pics tonight.

I am also going to change around my plumbing a bit too. And possibly replace the ball valve on my drain with a gate valve allowing finer adjustment. Add a return bypass using the valve going to my reactor.

I don't think it makes alot of sense to have that valve there since if I turn it off I will have to re balance the not want

Last edited by legendboy; 11-03-2010 at 05:25 PM.
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