Thread: 28W LED 13000K
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Old 11-02-2010, 11:27 AM
venkiw venkiw is offline
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Originally Posted by Binare View Post
Help with review? Does that mean buy the ones you just posted for sale?

As far as actinics are concerned, blue leds are not actinics, a true actinic bulb is used in a photocopier and the like. Where is the specs listing 6" above the water? That's pretty vague for a height considering the range of depths for aquariums. Who is the manufacturer of these "reef specific" parking lot lamps? Where did you get them? These just look like a normal led replacement that someone desoldered a few whites and replaced with blues.
At 6" inches it will cast light in a 2' X 1' rectangle. but if you see the aluminum housing there are ways to focus this light to a smaller pattern using reflectors hanging of the periphery of the lamp.

The parking lot lamp was modified at my request to include the Cool White which has a full spectrum and also has the 420nm blue wavelength. To add 450nm I included the Edison 450nm Blue to the design.

All mods were made at the manufacturers production line. Also note that the layout of the blue LEDs, they form a 'W' which has been my nickname.
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