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Old 11-01-2010, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by zoaElite View Post
Haha no, CC Stands for Chubby Chaser and $hit lips has to do with smoking dog pooh...

I will let your mind fill in the rest.
HA HA awesome. So after a few pints/shots you start chasing the low self esteem girls? trust me I have had a few close calls. Like this one girl (mind you I was completely hammered) I thought she looked like this girl in a music video so one thing led to another, made out, exchanged numbers... she text me and I couldn't remember what she looked like. My friend who works with her wouldn't describe her for me and than at a different event I met her again, this time only a few pints in. Lets just say I didn't pursue that ship but my navy friend did and said he felt molested the next day. She's a great girl, I see her from time to time and she is fun to party with but for sure not my "flavor"

as for $hit lips, dude, the second it was lit didn't you get the hint?
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