Im so confused. I dont know if Oceanic (paul) has stated these are or are not ORA/Tyree corals. He refuses to come out and say a few simple words. IE. These are ORA/Tyree corals and I imported them legally. That is all that it would take to clear this whole thing up. Unlike the people who are mocking me I do not want him to devulge his source/method or anything of remotely close to that.
You guys have smoked me out.....Im dizzy. You win. I DONT CARE. It is not that important to me to fight a whole forum including moderators on something this trival. Like I said I dont even believe in the dang law. I just did'nt think it's fair if one store was illegally bringing in these corals. The only fact here is I dont know how he does it (which is fine) but Paul is the only store I know that is.....maybe one day I be able to walk into a LFS here and see some ORA plugs....but it hasnt happened yet.
I hope at least a few of you can read my posts and understand my heart was in the right place. Unlike what some have said about me....I'm just an honest aquarist who mabye stuck his nose where it wasnt wanted.