This is unreal. If I accused my neighbour of illegal activity on the basis that he drives a nicer car that I can afford myself, that would a sentiment based on pettiness and jealousy and to publicly accuse someone of such without any proof in hand is libel and the irony there is that THAT is illegal and can have consequences.
Having some knowledge of CITES process and not able to discern the activities of what another person may be doing is a huge stretch to claim illegal activity. HUGE stretch.
The LFS industry is all about guarded secrets regarding suppliers. Go into any LFS and ask them where they import their fish from. Beyond maybe in ambiguous or vague terms or maybe a geographic area, they won't tell you. Certainly not things like the names and contact info of specific suppliers. Maybe some will, but that's an individual choice on their part what to disclose. It's a fact of life in this industry.
To me this is no different. The choice is clear: buy them or don't buy them. And leave it at that. It's that simple.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!