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Old 10-31-2010, 03:32 PM
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reefermadness, have you posed this/your question(s) to all canadian LFS's that sell corals; thus leveling the playing field? i am sure you have! (perhaps you could start a new thread and publish your results?) just wondering if they welcomed your, ever so friendly, approach to information seeking?

Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
You have cleared up absolutely nothing. All you have done is dance around and change the subject. All I have asked is few simple and honest questions.

When I say I have no interest in the subject I'm referring to the fact that I have no financial or personal stake (im a simple aquarist). You sir have a financial stake and most of the people eating pop corn or sticking up for you have a personal stake because they like to buy these corals and don't care how you acquire them.

My only interest in the subject is perhaps moral or truth seeking. In all honesty I don't even think the law concerning CITES re-exportation that denies ORA/Tyree (or anyone else) the ability to ship coral fragments into Canada is a even a good one. I believe it should be legal and possilbe....but the fact remains ORA does not ship coral fragments to Canada for these reasons.

My biggest moral dilemma comes from the fact that you are not being truthful. Also I believe all stores should be on a level playing field. I don't find it fair that one store could quite possibly be breaking the law to be financially rewarded while others stores choose to follow the rules at a disadvantage.

The fact that you have not answered a few simple question speaks volumes to the fact that you are hiding something.