I find it very amusing that everyone who's been chiming in and challenging me tend to say: "I have no specific interest whatsoever". Yet they keep on at it.
SO if you don't care, and obviously you have no intentions of buying my corals because unless I give you Steve Tyree's phone number or ORA's farmer's contact and tell you how I get my corals will you let it alone.
This is not gonna happen
You like my corals via pics and the plagerized name (cause I have not originality) that I use on them or....you don't. If you don't please don't buy from me, I'd hate to have to send you my copy cat corals cause the ocean is full of them.
Thanks, I hope this will finally clarify my stance on this. This will be the absolute last time I will comment on this. (at least until the next flame comes around again).
Have a great one.