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Old 10-28-2010, 08:50 PM
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Dyspnea Dyspnea is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Edmonton,AB
Posts: 161
Dyspnea is on a distinguished road

I have a couple questions.

I've been running vertex pellets for the last 7 days. I started with 500ml (150gallon net water volume) The pellets are tumbling nicely, never had any clouding of my water.

Right from the start my skimmer went crazy, I had too adjust my skimmer and it is now it's max setting. The skimmate is wet and black and the bubbles just don't have the surface tension they used too.

I read that my skimmer was suppose to return to normal with in several hours to usually two days later, however I also read that "nitrate and phosphate locking" could cause a more lengthy break in period, due to old live rock (which i have plenty of)

I haven't lost any livestock, I haven't had an algae outbreak, the tank looks good overall.

Anything I should really be concerned of at this point? Should I remove some of my pellets?
My 265 gallon build!

Last edited by Dyspnea; 10-28-2010 at 09:52 PM.
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