Originally Posted by Diana
yah i'm pretty excited about the result so far- and its so young! It is local moss, i put about 4 or 5 different types in there to see what will do well with the warmth, humidity, and light. I think I know what one will do well based on where I collected it, but we will see. Worst comes to worst I will have to use a more tropical moss.
32 gallon Hagen rimless aquarium
36" Giesemann HO T5 light fixture with plant bulbs
~3" of water (small pump & heater) plus stream
river cobble & petrified wood base, small layer of dried moss, and then on top a layer of sphagnum peat.
I will get a humidity & temp reading today
Are those mushrooms? I think I'd be careful about that. I dunno. Maybe it will end up being a neat effect if they spread.