Originally Posted by medhatreefguy
All I can say is be aware as it matures, one common statement that I have heard from quite a few people is that its not that the Nigers show signs of aggression, but have a tendency to snap at random and kill a fish or invert. IMO if you choose your tankmates carefully you will find the reward that comes with owning one of these beautiful fish far outweighs the risks. Like I said earlier I wouldn't part with mine for anything.
the problem lies when they get older they start seeing other sources of food and as they get bigger they get more cocky and are willing to go a little further like stated above mine would snap at small fish generally around feeding time i think food motivates their behavior more than aggression mine ate cleaner shrimp and gave my puffer a hard time around feeding time.mine out grew my tank but i would of had to remove him or the smaller fish.i think they are beautiful and def worth putting in and i plan to own another once my new tank is up.they do get to be a big size mine was about 7" and still showing signs of getting bigger