Originally Posted by jphong
Looking good so far Denny! Hope you got a decent discount on the new glass. When are you planning on getting water in there?
it wasnt anybodys fault so im not expecting anything whatever needs to happen im completely willing to take on and "reefcanada" was more than happy to help get it fixed so while im getting my sump built i will have 2 more panels also made to fit back in.
more good news!!!!

i got all the tank cleaned up and glass is out with no damage to the rest of the tank plus i got every little shed of silicone off and tank is cleaned and ready for new glass

john it will be quite a while untill water hits it my plan is to move in april so untill then i am going to build a teamporary stand i can take apart and ill use the time i have untill then to get everything gathered up and anything built that needs building then i will run a freshwater course hopefully in december and see if everything runs the way i like and then once i am in my new house i will start building it up to where i want it

untill then ill just keep stockpiling the ol zoa tank lol