Originally Posted by globaldesigns
may I ask why you are getting rid of the skimmer, when you just got it?
It was an impulse buy. When I ordered it I had planned a larger seahorse tank build, it ultimately became a 27 Gal cube and the skimmer is a touch too big for this tank. My other two tanks are too large for this skimmer, my 180 FOWLR has a skimmer rated for 250, and my 150 SPS has a skimmer rated for 400 Gal so the Skimz sits in limbo at the moment. Too bad because its probably the coolest looking skimmer I have ever seen. Ultimately I made the decision when I decided I needed a lighting upgrade on my 180 and the wife thinks I should let go of my "collection" of hardware, and she is always right LMAO! I truthfully couldn't tell you how well it works because I didn't use it.