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Old 10-25-2010, 12:58 AM
chris88 chris88 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Fort McMurray
Posts: 414
chris88 is on a distinguished road

Thanks for all of the comments:

Believe it or not I use tap water and I don't get any algae growth anywhere in the tank. I don't do major water changes anymore but I do clean the filter media I have in my sump every 3 days which takes out a lot of detritus before it has a chance to break down. I also clean my skimmer once a week and it’s a bit oversized for my tank so that helps.

Every 3 weeks I will use a kent pro scraper on the back walls of the tank. It’s basically a big metal blade that scrapes off the coralline growth. I also dose a little bit of vinegar and vodka which I find really keeps my nutrients low, sometimes too low which is why some of the corals are a bit pale at the moment.
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