Originally Posted by Delphinus
I love 3 sided viewing and man I'm going to miss it with my new tank, but 96x24x24 lends itself well to an inwall style (otherwise you'd have to go island style aquascaping with pretty skinny islands) - if you went 96x30x24 or even better 96x36x24 you'd have more room to work with for 3-d aquascaping (valleys crevasses ledges etc.).
In your other spot where you're thinking peninsula is there room behind it for tank room? Otherwise everything is going to have to fit in the stand and that might be a consideration to take into account too.
Hmmmmmmmmm well you must of been here talking to the Wife Tony , we were in the hot tub and she thinks its going to look a lot better in the wall . So in to the wall it goes and to the tubs the fishes go too. once i place the order.
IN island would look a lot better, however it would be a lot better in wall plus the water access is in the Luandry room and to run a Rodi Line would be a pain....