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Old 10-23-2010, 12:16 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

HOB dsb is dead. i tried moving it to the sump. turned it on.. thought it was flowing good.. looked away for a few mins and came back to wet floor.

anyone want a HOB refugium? it doesn't usually flood just have to be careful when you start it up that you get all the air out heh. price free

it was running .. i think over a month and the sand looked clean except for a little black stint right at the start by the top lip. I did use used but well washed sand mix of Crushed and fine.

the cheato tank is not doing much i think i will go get some fresh fine aragonite sand and put it in there and run the 5g half+full of sand and leave the cheato on top.

got some coral snow today too. put my prodibio dosages in early in the am.. put the coral snow in before shutting down the pumps cuz the dsb was going goofy.

left the pumps off for a bit.. and everything is covered in sliminess.. like the algaee/cyano that is there but different heh oh well i think its clearing up.

I only have a couple weeks of prodibio kicking around i think i am going to drop to just the digest and tp and supplement with the coral snow.

the reefbooster is what makes my protien skimmer gum out and not do much for a couple days after i guess there is to much fatty acids or something in it for my skimmer
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