Things are settling in nicely. the sps are coloring back up after the stresses of moving. I think i have found all of the final resting spots for the coral and picked out a few that don't really interest me.
Previously the tank was being supplied 2-part via B-ionic. but i had the materials for the balling light method from the last tank that i never got to try so i am going to give the system a run on this tank. (pretty much to just use up the materials). I dont really have high expectations of it because of the subtle differences it makes. anyways, I am still in the process of dialling it in. But so far the numbers have gone from 4ml X6 (24ml total)of each cal/alk of b-ionic. to 15 X 4ml of alk. and 12 X 2ml for calcium per day. giving me steadyish values of about 8 kH. and 430 calcium. Still need to find a container for the mag so i am not dosing that yet.
One hiccup i have experienced is that the tank gets a little bit of morning sun which is kind of bleaching one of the zoa frags i have so its going to need a new home on the other side of the tank.


Favorite piece at the moment

not sure what this is. got it at a frag workshop at Blue world Victoria

Favia which i dont think i am going to keep (any takers?)


Clam and blue polyp monti

Chalk basslet

getting some sweet PE

