Originally Posted by zoaElite
Everyone has to make a living, unfortunately I don't really see us having the power to drop it down and Ecotech will most likely release a shortage of them to ensure they are purchased at that price. Like all new things I'm sure once the hype comes down, so will the price.
No its more or less canadian companies aren't changing prices of produces due to the dollar change. They know they can buy the product for cheap and sell it for what they have always been selling it for without to many people noticing. For instance, the power modual. A usa company is selling it for almost $200 cheaper, yet even with the dollar change our canadian companies won't budge on their prices.
As much as I prefer supporting our canadian companies, if I can save $100 on something after shipping and duties guess where my business will go
shoes are another thing for me. I can get a set for $50-80 cheaper in the usa