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Old 10-20-2010, 06:55 PM
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ElGuappo ElGuappo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Calgary, Ab
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well my favy part of this thread so far is how opinionative some people are...

did you ever stop tho think hat these people that smoke in your cars a and houses without asking are just a$$holes? smoking doesnt make you inconsiderate... some people are just... well you know and this has nothing to with smoking or not it is a personallity trait... quit blaming the good people at players and de maurier for you friends short coming s as a person...

PS what are you non smokers going to when we smokers rebel and start taking over the world... keep pushing us into a corner and it will happen..

and is my throwing a butt out my car window really any worse for the envirnment than the non smoker who drives a car that burns more oil than gas??????????
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..

45 G FW Asain Barb Community tank.

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