My wife likes to smoke with a drink from time to time. I like to "rig" her smokes (lighter flint

)and give them away whenever I have the chance. The wife just puts up with my antics because she has no other choice besides quitting which she chooses not to do.
I hate the smell of them and i also almost lost a couple friendships because of it. In high school my buddies used to smoke in my parents car on the way to a party all the time and i told them not to countless times. I got in some serious trouble for it and one idiot even burnt a hole in the seat. I got back at them though - i took up smoking for a single month and would out cigarettes on their carpets and seats purposely. I am a reasonable person to a certain extent - then i can get mean
Now that i have kids and my own house my friends are more respectful of my wishes and i have been somewhat accommodating too. I set up a smoke area in my back yard with a couple enclosed ashtrays that i make THEM empty once every couple of months. No one is allowed to smoke so my kids can see them and if any butts are left outside of the ashtray its the wifes job to clean em up cause it definitely wasn't me and you can sure as hell bet she was out there with them when they were having a "Drag".
Smoking in your own house is so trash - dont even try to tell me it isnt

. Good luck on ripping out all of your carpets/repainting every surface in your home if you ever decide to sell it. Smoking cost way to much money - you might as well just spend it on your tank or put it an education fund for your kids.
ok now that i got that off my chest...
Back on topic - smoking probably does affect your tank parameters. I read that some tanks have crashed from people using aerosol cleaning products in the same room as the tank so smoking shouldn't be much different. Do it outside if you can I guess - or in your bathroom with a window/fan on if its "not an option"

No point in risking it especially since most of us have thousands of dollars invested in our setups.