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Old 10-20-2010, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Wider like left to right wider? I certinaly don't see why not.

The overflow was a fantastic idea from Kevin at Red Coral. The shape is to help keep the detritus moving the in proper directions. We went with 2" drains for the amount of flow.

So if I were to make it wider are you thinking double the current width? I think its already about a foot wide, but I think 2ft would be easily possible.

As for return volume, I actually am trying to think of it more along the lines of flow strength; low when we get started, medium as things grow in, and full-out when the tank is fully stocked and full of life. I know we're going to be using two Dart pumps for the return. I never really thought of it was a number as much as I am trying to focus on keeping the water oxygenated, and minimizing my own work in cleaning the detritus.

The reason I ask is because if you are going to use the return for a fair amount of flow in the DT I might be a little worried that a one foot overflow may not be able to handle that kind of volume, or it may be noisy. I have 4' of overflow and your tank is way larger than mine. On the other hand Kevin certainly knows what he is doing so it's probably fine.
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