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Old 10-18-2010, 08:07 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Good idea. I have an outside sump for my 90g and I love it. The sump is enclosed in an insulated box with a lid and a front door for access. This box is on the sundeck right outside from the tank. Sliding glass door to deck is three feet from the tank. Plumbing goes through the exterior wall. I have never had a problem with heat or cold since I set this tank up. (3 years this November) Powell River climate is no different than Vancouver. Go for it, I'm sure you'll be happy with it.

Now I like lances ideas of an insulated box as opposed to a whole shed .... Alot cheaper , doesn't take up land or require anything and like lance said you. Can have it right on your deck

Hummmmm maybe I'll go that route you all got me thinking now lol
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