Would need to make sure you build on a concrete slab as all that rock and water etc. Istoo heavy for most homemade garage floors. And I would insulate any piping as the warm temp n winter will create condensation. As noted before vapor barrior to keep your shed from rotting from humidity is very important in any Insulation job. If you drywall you can use an aquaboard but I doubt you'll have that much moisture. If you attach the shed to your house I would recommend contacting your city office to find out if a permit is needed which I would say it is, also if you are running any electrical and I'm not sure about aquarium plumbing you would want to check with your home insurance that you would be covered in the case of any fire or flood. Does your house have siding or something else?? If it's siding then lucky for you it's very very very easy to cut holes or remove a section if needed if it's stucco or stone/ brick etc you would want to ask ourself is it cost effective to do so as it's hard to replace and take out...but def not impossible, it's too bad your all the wY in Vancouver I love theses kind if projects and always love a good challenge. If you need any building advice when the time comes pls don't hesitate to ask before paying someone to do it.. If again that's he route your planning