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Old 10-17-2010, 12:59 AM
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Rbacchiega Rbacchiega is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: I'm A Gypsy
Posts: 1,238
Rbacchiega is on a distinguished road

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind...although I'm pretty much in love with the rockwork I've got now...and we all know to NEVER TOUCH THE ROCK once we like it ha ha. But there is a nice little cove that if I were a jawfish I'd TOTALLY make my home.

Tomorrow I'll be keeping busy cleaning the garage and milling machines so that it goes faster. I can't believe I'm actually excited for a Monday
75 gallon with 20 gallon sump in the works.
R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
I didn't smack you, I simply High Fived your face.
I've got so much glue on my pants it looks like a Friday night gone horribly wrong.
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