Originally Posted by Rbacchiega
I'm on the fence about a tang of any sort really...one day I want one, the next I don't. I think this tank would be bangerang with small to medium sized fish and some higher end corals...Pearly Jawfish sure are pretty...but the last trio I owned made home in the rockwork at the back of my tank...kinda grrrrr inducing. haha....stay tuned!!!
Imo, 75 gallons is a bit small for a Tang of any sort. The Kole I had was only 2" and made my 90 look small by his constant lapping of the tank. I say stick to smaller fish, and you can get more of them. It will look fuller. If you design your rockwork with the Jawfish in mind they will make home in the front. Mine have always gone right where I wanted them because I made that the most prime Jawfish spot.