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Old 10-16-2010, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
how so? Just bossy? hmmmm might be a good idea to let that one go and wait until I've got the other fish in there first. Either way...this tank is going to be full of tiny fish and corals, with maybe the biggest fish in there being a small a kole or something.
Individuals vary...some are mean, others are just bossy. I would imagine a pair would be more aggressive than a single. Orchid Dottys are generally the most docile of the Dottys. I had a Kole in my 90 and had to re-home it because he dive bombed my Jawfish and stressed them out too much. He also picked at Zoas as many tangs do. I would suggest a trio of Pearly Jawfish, they are thee coolest fishes to watch interact with eachother and other fish in the tank. How about Fairy Wrasses? Hogfish? LOL, I have all these fish in my tank. Hehe.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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