Let me say that each time I go to Raging Reef in Montreal I must be really carefull of that tang in their aquarium. Last time it attacked me and splashed me so I was all wet, all my hair and face. A really nasty fish, but beautiful. It would have sliced me if I had my hand in the water! Is there such thing as a guard fish?
The man who work there told me he got attacked and sliced by that fish. Supposably it's painfull and he had to go to the hospital. When it's too nasty they have to take it out in a bucket for a while as a punishment and to try to teatch it some manners. Not working much if you ask me. that fish is a real terror! scary! I am afraid of going too close to the tank he's in and while looking at the coral I must always keep an eye on that fish.
One thing for sure, no one is going to steal any coral from that tank!
Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Most of the reefers I've discussed this with say their Sohal turned into a bully when it matured. What's your personal experience with this beautiful tang?