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Old 10-16-2010, 08:25 AM
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Cranky When Wet Cranky When Wet is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 62
Cranky When Wet is on a distinguished road
Default Time to call in the Big Guns Wet Web

Well, I'm still up and it's late.... I still believe it's a toxin but not sure what the source is. You might take this to a site called It's run by Bob Fenner and Anthony Calfo among many very qualified folks.... Here's a link:

Just follow the rules for submitting good spelling/language etc... they are more formal than us; but, well worth getting to know.

They've helped me when I first started up.

Also, you should know some people are more sensitive/predisposed to toxins than others for a myriad of reasons: diet, heredity and those "unknown" factors. I've learned I cannot touch stressed paly's of any sort without serious palpitations, breathing trouble and tightness in chest.

The last thing you want is to induce a heart event. I hope the people at this site can help.

Please avoid the tank until you know more.

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