OK WTF???....Seriously WTF???.....It happened again last night since this last time this happened I have done 2 water changes no problems. Did a water change last night before I did it I blew any loose stuff off the rocks and took a kitchen brush and scraped off about 10 brown zoas that popped up in different parts of the tank. Did a 10% water change. About 2 hrs later the wife and I get hit with these sneezing fits and from sneezing so much our throats got a little sore. Went to bed about midnight, couldn't sleep sneezing coughing tight chest got up took a bunch of meds sat down watched some TV. Then about 0200 the dog started gasping and whimpering went for a walk she seems fine got back in the house 10mins started again went out side again this time she wouldn't walk. Now the wife is up her chest is tight. We go for a drive to get some air dog gets worse end up at the emergency vet at 0330. Explain to the vet I think my SW tank gave off some gas or bacteria after stirring it up, he said he never heard of it but didn't dismiss it. Gave the dog some IV to open her airways and a sedative said she wasn't is any distress and alert to what was going on so we were free to go home. Got home 0445 now the wife is starting to get the shakes going got a bunch of water and meds in her and got to sleep till 0830. Checked on the tank to find white water and 2/3's of the coral dead about 200 dead bristle worms hanging out of the rocks. Then opened all the windows and got out of the house. Went to work got a full face mask with organic/inorganic filters vacuumed it out moved the rocks looking for a Yellow tang and a mandarin no luck, other fish seem fine and did a 50% water change. Wife is fine today dog is defiantly not herself and won't eat unless you hand feed it to her but she is eating, my throat is killing me my chest is plugged and coughing up and rainbow of colors.
Does anyone know what exactly it could be? Gas? Bacteria? Even the term or name so I can tell a doctor. The tank has been running non stop 6 years without any re-landscaping. I'm thinking old tank syndrome there is a lot of dust(detris) down in the rocks and recently last 2 months my phos is through the roof 5.0+ calcium 620-640??

(with 2 different test kits) no ammonia and .5 nitrates ph 8.3 mag 1290
I'm almost at the point of hiring someone to come and rip it all down, the risk is getting to be to much to have.....or maybe a bare bottom FO tank