Thread: Stale water
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Old 10-15-2010, 02:34 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
THAT'S the dumbest idea YOU'VE ever heard?
I have a hard time buying that, I'm not gonna lie.

I don't get why anyone would care how someone else chooses to mix their water...

I think that's hilarious and I can imagine it would work pretty good as the water displacement would be significant.

If it were me, I might add an airstone to the mix while it was sitting for that 24 hours though,as I like to make sure any new SW is as oxygen rich as possible.

First of all I couldn't care less if he stirs it with a fork and as far a dumb ideas this lecture coming from the guy who wanted to get a blue ringed octopuss yeah ummm I think I'll stick with my powerhead. And hey gobytron uf your such a fan of hand stirring with boating equipment start a thread asking how many others do that and how many use pumps. We should just all start using garage items to stir I mean I got some copper piping, some mud mixers slightly used, and all kinds of rotting wood.........geesh some people , but leave it to you to agree eh
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