Originally Posted by randy123
Oh man, you have to try it! 1 minute of stirring and there will not be one single undisolved grain of salt. Wait a day for the water to go crystal clear, check for any undisolved salt(there won't be), and you are golden. I give it another good thrashing before I add it to aerate it. My Oar can aerate the water fully in a minute flat-no mucking around, no power consumption. If there is something in that method that doesn't work, I've yet to find it...
Hummmmm..... Not gonna lie it's the dumbest idea I've ever heard so I can only assume your joking right??? with all the money we pit into our tanks why would I or anyone stir once with a canoe paddle??? A cheap pump can be bought second hand for a mere few bucks and pennys a month in bills