I wanted to post a few more pictures of some of the corals and inhabitants in my tank. Again, please keep in mind that I use a camera phone and I do not edit the pictures at all. The colors and tank looks much nicer in person.
I do not have this coral anymore, it didn’t survive the crash
Red zoanthid colony, fast growing and spreads over everything it touches.
Red paly and green zoanthid colony
Pink and green zoanthid colony
Red paly’s with an isolated green button polyp
Blue tipped purple stag. It was a rescue a few months back so it colors up more each day
I tried to take an actinic pic with the camera phone. I don’t think it turned out very well.
A rescued acro which was light brown when I got it a month or so back, it becomes greener each day
I think this picture turned out decent and it is my favourite part of my new aquascape
Some more zoanthids
Full tank shot. Colors are improving by the day, I accidentally let my alk go to high when I was carbon dosing and I made a few corals pale out.