Thread: Clam spawn
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Old 10-11-2010, 06:09 AM
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Default Clam spawn

Ugh. Going to be a longgg night. Came downstairs to feed fish and found a white tank. My paisley/teardrop maxima was spawning (still is, dang they go for a long time - 2 hours - hope it stops soon).

Water change ... new carbon ... skimmer set to ultra wet .. new filter sock ... and scooping out the gunk as it accumulates (imagine a fried egg being blended and then poured into your tank).

2 hours in the water is noticeably clearer but has a long way to go. I just wish the clam would .. um ... stop. I actually considered removing the clam at one point.

At least now I know for sure it was clam spawn that happened this time last year. What has me on pins and needles is that I lost 4 fish in last year's spawn event. So far no signs of distress and man I'm hoping for the best.
-- Tony
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