Originally Posted by fishoholic
Poor little tang, glad you were able to rescue him and that he's doing better now.
The tank looks amazing as it is, but taking the scrolls out will free up a lot of space. However I do like the look of them and I imagine it will be hard to part with them since you've had them for awhile.
Yeah, the scrolls will hit the buy/sell fourm in a few days, its time.
Originally Posted by MitchM
A tang can get sucked in by an MP40? Is this normal? 
I'm looking at getting some MP65's.
Originally Posted by fishytime
I would think that the tang was in a weakened state,for whatever reason.....the two yellows Ive had seem to revel in swimming head-long into my mp40......cant see how a fish with that kinda strength could get sucked in????
This happened in my previous tank as well, the yellow tang would graze the side of the power head, and with a high volume of water being drawn in, and their circular body it can spell disaster.
IMO, even a healthy fish would have a hard time trying to free themself, if fully pinned.
so to prevent this from occuring again:
1. clean left hand exposed vortech more frequently
2. added a more central grazing spot