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Old 10-09-2010, 01:14 AM
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karazy karazy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: calgary
Posts: 813
karazy is on a distinguished road

why can't you just stop badgering a reputable vendor and appreciate the fact that we have these corals available to us?
Even if these corals are not originally from ORA (and for the record i don't know if these corals are from ORA or not) they are still great looking corals, that look extremely similar, if not identical. just because someone decides to give a coral a common name doesn't mean that you can only get that coral, or a coral that looks similar, from the person who named it.
For instance, purple hornet zoas. For a while these were a huge craze, and everybody wanted them. but guess what? they didn't all come from the man who decided to call them purple hornets. some purple hornets are obviously not from the same original strain, but people were just happy to have a great coral.
Another example would be oregon tort. I personally have owned a frag of oregon tort. did i believe that it was a frag from the original colony that someone named oregon tort? of course not. the point is that it was an awesome frag that looked identical to the original strain and i was happy to have it, and i called it oregon tort because thats the POPULAR COMMON NAME.
so please, let a great dealer provide great corals, instead of ruining it for the rest of us.