Hey you know what Kyle, your points have been brought up before and do a search and you will find your answers.
Our industry as a whole will not be jeapordize by me selling cultured corals either grown here or abroad. So take your soap box elsewhere as I am not intent on taking corals from the wild. How many wild corals do you import on a yearly basis Kyle; a heck of a lot more then me so to say that I am indirectly harming our industry by selling cultured corals and ones that are 1" is down right obsurd.
The end consumers have the right to challenge my integrity as they are the one's that are buying my corals. If they are unhappy with what I've sent then I would not be selling corals much longer. Regardless of whether these corals have a fancy name or not; they are priced accordingly. I do not own a multimillion dollar home nor do I drive a very expensive vehicle.
Regarding my integrity, Kyle I do not want to air our industry's dirty laundry but you, sir, are hardly a person to question my integrity; I will leave it at that unless you would like me to further pursue this. Remember it is a very tight knit community.
So in summary, I put fancy names on these corals and if people choose to buy them for their fancy names so be it. Now, if these corals look similar to others on the internet it is entirely coincidental.
Moderators, please lock this thread yet once again.
Cheers Kyle.
Last edited by Gooly001; 10-09-2010 at 01:09 AM.