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Old 10-09-2010, 12:52 AM
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saltcreep saltcreep is offline
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This is a rather contentious issue for sure. I personally, nor professionally, do not care where you get your corals, for the most part.

The issue at hand is whether or not these corals are ORA/Tyree or frags of ORA/Tyree corals. You have been questioned time and time again by me and others yet you refuse to answer the simple question. For many that do question the authenticity of the coral, evading the question only adds to people’s suspicions.

What are these corals? If a customer were to walk into your premises and ask the same question, what would you answer?

I feel that the consumer does have a right to know what product they are purchasing. These corals are being sold with the same names as those from ORA/Tyree and that only adds to the confusion. If they are not originally from ORA/Tyree or frags from ORA/Tyree corals, say so and I’ll leave it alone. You are charging a premium for items that can be misconstrued as something that they may in fact not be.

This boils down to integrity of your store and the industry as a whole. For an industry that is predicated on removing organisms from the wild for financial gain, we as a whole need to tread very lightly. It is issues such as this, where there are questions as to the legitimacy of products, that only further tarnish the reputation of the industry as a whole. Actions of few have a great impact on the many.